Here come the 10 cardinal rules of color scheming to help you save time when choosing colors. These essentials serve as bedrock to the color-verse…
After the eminent success of our previous infographic, “ The 10 Commandments of Typography ”, DesignMantic now brings to you its sequel created upon popular demand! Enter, “The 10 Commandments of Color Theory”…
The evolution of logo is somewhat similar to that of the man. This Infographic explains how several techniques played a major role in logo evolution…
Most of us believe that branding and logo designing is a recently developed phenomenon. But you might be surprised to know that the concept existed thousands of years ago in one form or another. Several inventions and techniques have played a major role in the development of the modern-day logo.
Here is an infographic that depicts how strikingly similar the logos of various food brands are and how few colors are predominant in the market…
It is amazing how the logos of the different competing brands are so similar to one another in some ways, yet so different in the other.
Below is an infographic that depicts the logos of the various different food and beverages brands. Notice how each of these brands have different revenues, parent companies and logo types- yet, the one unifying factor between them being the common market.