Being in the design industry for the past eight years, I have had the privilege of working with a variety of small business owners, executives and entrepreneurs, helping them build and design brand communication strategies. Of all the projects, one common question that almost every businessman asked was, “When and how often should I redesign?”
Well, definitely. In fact, it’s their initial basis for survival. Stores whether big or small needs to show their presence and for that, they would have to acquire a logo design. Moreover, a logo is an identity, recognition and a means of distinction from others. Let’s get into more detail of it but before that let’s see which businesses could be specifically called “small”.
Businesses which have less than 250 employees are considered to be small businesses in the US. These businesses are also classified as small according to their annual sales. Moreover, their assets as well as profit also define these businesses as big or small. Small Businesses might also have a less market share than other companies but this is not supposedly true in every case because a small company might over run its competitor through effective marketing strategies. Bigger businesses have diversified goods which means they produce different kinds of products which is why they have a bigger market share.