The 4th of July is drawing nearer and we could not think of a better treat for our readers than a nationalistic infographic devoted to represent the diverse personalities of all the different states of America. True that!
The illustration below depicts the rich and diverse blend of culture across the country and the varying moods of these 52 different states by means of different fonts and typefaces. While the political capital — Washington D.C., has been attributed what is officially the most formal, solemn and classic looking typeface, much bolder typefaces have been picked out for the western states of Texas, Kansas and Alabama. New York, on the other hand, has been assigned a sleek and modern typeface in order to do justice to its reputation as an uptight state housing the most contemporary of shopping districts and being scattered with the state-of-the-art downtowns and peaceful suburbs.
Take yourself on a roller coaster ride with so many of these different, tell-tale typefaces to feast your eyes on! Enjoy this broad labeling and do not hesitate to share your own views and suggestions.
Dig in!