“Design is a funny word. Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it’s really how it works.”
Steve Jobs was an intelligent man. I always remember this saying from him when I create my own designs.He was absolutely right that we should not confuse a concept of design with how things look only. It’s primarily, how things work. Until and unless your product adds value to its surroundings, it cannot be considered efficiently designed, no matter how incredible it looks. So every graphic designer has to stop at some point and think really hard how his skills and knowledge of design is helping the world become a little more coherent and attractive for the people.
Your business card is, sometimes, the first impression that your customer gets of your business and you can easily turn it into a lasting one! With the right mix of fonts, colors, layout and design- your card can prove itself unforgettable and recognizable.
Here’s a slideshare that offers you a few pointers on how you can design your business card like a pro…
It is the mark of a true artist to create something unique and something that is original every time he is asked to deliver. Be it a piece of music, an article, a business card design, or a logo; if it’s not original, it won’t last. In the brisk world of business today, it has become synonymous with success to have a great attractive logo, which can help your brand to make its mark and get it identified in the minds of the people.
The Golden Ratio is key to aesthetic design. It is a mathematical miracle and a wondrous formula that helps you plot perfectly harmonized design sequences and interfaces.
Here’s a slideshow on how this divine ratio could be applied to logo designing…
Logo Design is an intricate process that involves the designer going through a lengthy design process to contrive a powerful enough design. However, this process could be made a little less demanding if you make it a point to avoid a few common design pitfalls that even some of the most iconic of brands fall prey to.
Snoop into this interesting slideshow to find out what the 10 common pitfalls of logo designing are…