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10 Most Trending Wedding Hashtags on the Roll!


Hashtagging a wedding is awesome and we are completely in love with the idea of Instagramming a wedding (preps and ceremony). There are some downsides to being a social networking bride, but there are also various rewards to make you want to go down that road, such as, having your guest record every moment of the wedding and being able to see it all with only one click on either Facebook or Instagram, thanks to wedding planning apps that make life so convenient.


Famous Wedding Hashtags Swarming The Web

With the viral rage of wedding hashtags running rampant on Twitter, we are absolutely smitten by this awesome fad which lets us sneak a glimpse into the stories that run behind each beautiful wedding. Some make us laugh our heads off, some are tear-jerkers, while others make us bite our nails in apprehension and cross our fingers for the unlucky couple. Here are some of the most viral wedding hashtags that people are falling head over heels with:












The craze of hashtag weddings started soon after Twitter was introduced. It has now gone viral on other social networks and couples will do anything to include this in their wedding prep lists. Some are so smitten that they don’t even consider that the guests they are inviting are completely non-tech savvy. Some, on the other hand, spend hours to consider each and every aspect of using social media. This also raises question on wedding etiquettes for them because social media is the new wedding crasher. You could, for example, have issues with random guests snapping your photos and posting them right away. A new social and tech wedding survey conducted by Mashable and The Knot.com reveals that couples don’t have much control over what is being shared of their weddings on social media. For that reason, thirty-one percent couples are now limiting their guests from sharing on social media. Thirty-five percent still have mixed feelings about it. Surprisingly, a large number of people, 68% to be more precise, want to see their wedding photos posted in real time.

 Your FREE Wedding Monogram

The survey also brings to light how much brides rely on social media for their wedding inspiration and ideas. As soon as the wedding bells ring, they frequently start visiting sites like Facebook, Pinterest, and other online wedding tools to initiate the wedding mania officially. Those tools help them along every step of the aisle way, such as, from creating unique and cost-effective wedding monograms to DIY hairstyles for the big day. Eventually, when the preps are done and the bride and groom are, it’s time to snap photos of the actual ceremony. Every ounce of effort that they put in making the wedding a success can be captured on moment to moment basis for the couple and guests alike. All the amazing wedding planning resources that they used would pay off with their friends and family appreciating every detail of the wedding for days to come.

Here is a selection of trending hashtags that can make your wedding sound just as gorgeous as you deserve. The best hashtag rules include using something that is unique and memorable and using proper signage to guide your guests. If you can achieve that, your wedding extravaganza is going to be a super success. Try using the following hashtags along with your unique ones to make it viral overall and let us know how the experience goes.

• Wedding Hashtag 1: #WeddingHour

This is one hilarious hashtag that became famous thanks to a couple in Detroit. The phrase turned into a viral hashtag once the bride accidentally texted an invitation to a stranger and upon his acceptance tried to backtrack. The uninvited guest promises her, “We still coming.”


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