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logo designers dubai

logo designers dubai,design,graphic,banner,logo,brochure,cataloge

What does a Couple Look for in their Wedding Monogram?

According to many, wedding is the best happening of life. To others, it is the opposite. Whatever different opinions people keep, a time of happiness is always remembered. Wedding monograms are the best way to show the true bond between a groom and bride. Whether they be presented as gifts, included in invitations or just placed on walls, these monograms are a sign of happiness for couples.
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Logos Expose Your Work


What is the first thing that comes to your mind and makes your heart ponder when you see a well-designed logo? Is it, “Why did I not think about this design?”

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Elements Plus filters, masks and more

Independent author Andrei Doubrovski has rolled out Elements+ 1.0, his new enhancement patch for Adobe Photoshop Elements 8. Elements+ is a handy add-on that unlocks the undocumented advanced functions in Photoshop Elements featured in the latest versions of Photoshop.
Elements+ is JavaScript-based, so the script behavior will depend on current circumstances. The unleashed features can be accessed via dedicated dialog boxes that include undocumented commands and panels for exploring and using the hidden (officially unsupported) contents, such as paths, color channels, and more. The kit includes smart filters, vector masks, and many more advanced tools normally hidden under the hood.
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Remove red-eye with ease

DataMind Srl has launched Beryl Plugin 1.0, their new, professional level digital image processing plugin for Adobe Photoshop and Elements. Leveraging DataMind's proprietary state-of-the-art algorithms, Beryl is a Photoshop plugin that automatically removes the red-eye effect from digital photos.
With a focus on ease-of-use, choose to have Beryl process images automatically, or manually select the threshold amount of removal required. In both automatic or manual mode, users can set the intensity of correction. In manual mode, Beryl goes one step further by letting them choose between two sub-buttons (Find or Delete). When selecting Find, the single eye, or the area that needs the correction, is discovered and pressing the second deletes the correction.
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ArtOptimizer for Illustrator

Zevrix Solutions today announces the release of ArtOptimizer 2.3, an update to its workflow automation solution for Adobe Illustrator. ArtOptimizer eliminates the excess image data of document links and performs essential image adjustments, thereby significantly reducing the size of Illustrator job and reducing output time and production costs.
In order to eliminate excess image data, ArtOptimizer automatically scales the images in Photoshop to match their dimensions in Illustrator, changes resolution according to the target resolution specified, and reimports images to Illustrator at 100%. As a result, the size of Illustrator job can be reduced dramatically - some jobs can shrink in size by half and more.
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